Brick-a-laide / Kidz Gigantic Day Out 2019
Location:Adelaide Convention Centre, Adelaide, South Australia
When:Fri 19th - Sat 20th April, 2019
There were 13 Modules displayed at KGDO19*
Module NameBuilder
Alano WheelPatrick Coombes
Tan TowerPatrick Coombes
Mini StepperPatrick Coombes
Black 4-stepPatrick Coombes
Ball PumpPatrick Coombes
Mechanical Ball CounterJames Walker
Rainbow WaveJames Walker
Akiyuki Zigzag LiftJames Walker
Akiyuki Ball ShooterJames Walker
Akiyuki Strain WaveJames Walker
Akiyuki Cup To Cup V1James Walker
Akiyuki PinballJames Walker
Yoga Dragons (Akiyuki 6 Heads)James Walker
*Total Module Count may not reflect the number of modules running concurrently, for record claims.