Hobart Brixhibition 2018
Location:Hobart City Hall, Hobart, Tasmania
When:Sat 6th October - Wed 7th November, 2018
Youtube Video:LEGO GBC Great Ball Contraption Hobart 2018, by Rob Torok
There were 11 Modules displayed at HBX18*
Module NameBuilder
R/C Ball Pit/ConveyorRob Torok
Vertical Conveyor TowerRob Torok
Rotating WheelRob Torok
Akiyuki Catch And ReleaseRob Torok
Ball PumpRob Torok
Brickworld '14 Donohue ConveyorRob Torok
Backwards-tread WheelRob Torok
Winding WheelsRob Torok
Akiyuki Spiral StaircaseRob Torok
Vertical RingsRob Torok
Small Wheel LiftRob Torok
*Total Module Count may not reflect the number of modules running concurrently, for record claims.